The Best of Eternal Haunted Summer: A Thirteenth Anniversary Edition

Hekate and Diana. Odin and Apollo. Freyja and the Witch-Lord.

Eternal Haunted Summer was born in the late summer of 2009. It was created as a place where Pagans and polytheists and witches (and non-Pagans with a love of the old myths) could feature their short stories and poems and essays with those of a like mind and similar beliefs and practices. EHS has grown steadily over the years, due entirely to the wonderful contributors whose works fill its digital pages. Without their creativity and talent, EHS would not exist; it would have disappeared long ago.

This thirteenth anniversary edition is a celebration of their work. I love every piece that appears in Eternal Haunted Summer, and I just wish that I could have included them all here. These poems, essays, and short stories range from tragic to triumphant, from exciting to despairing, from comic to horrific, from grotesque to sensual, from erotic to subtle; here you will find odes to terrible Gods, exciting tales of adventure, melancholy meditations on creation, and wonderings at the nature of human and divine hearts.

These are the best of Eternal Haunted Summer. I hope that you find them as inspiring as I do.

If you would like to read this special issue for free, you can do so in our Winter Solstice 2022 edition. Otherwise, purchasing a copy — digital for $3.99, physical for $14.99 — will help support future issues of EHS.

The Best of Eternal Haunted Summer is being published under the auspices of Sigil House Productions. All proceeds go to support EHS.

Contributors: Colleen Anderson, Tristan Beiter, Kaye Boesme, Adam Bolivar, Laurence Raphael Brothers, Dr. Sara Cleto, Alicia Cole, Scott J. Couturier, Deborah L. Davitt, Ashley Dioses, Gemma Files, Penelope Friday, Adele Gardner, Maxwell I. Gold, Deborah Guzzi, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, Kelly Jarvis, Clay Franklin Johnson, Bran Keane, Sylvia Kelso, Steve Klepetar, Jennifer Lawrence, Gerri Leen, Sandi Leibowitz, Alison Leigh Lilly, Hillary Lyon, Ceallaigh S. MacCath-Moran, Michaela Macha, Kim Malinowski, Elizabeth R. McClellan, Ngo Binh Anh Khoa, Allister Nelson, Tahni J. Nikitins, K.A. Opperman, Juli D. Revezzo, Michael Routery, Sarah Sadie, Ruby Sara, John W. Sexton, Mary Soon Lee, Daniel Stride, Kyla Lee Ward, Dr. Brittany Warman, Shannon Connor Winward, and Joel Zartman.

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