Fiat Nox

Le Creation du Monde from Illustrations de Histoire naturelle

the purpose of a system
is what a system does

He had to know:

In saying, “Let there be light”
He also made

not just the blazing brightness
the peephole stars, and that neighborhood
furnace glowing even through closed eyelids
not just the might and blessing of the flame

but the shadows
stretching long behind the lucky ones
upon whom He bestowed that brilliant glory —
those whom He allowed to hoard the sun —
those with faces He illuminated, capital I,
angels in four color folio shining —

and behind them
below their station
beneath their notice
those denied anointment:

He made that.

Then He looked on this work,
the few raised up to catch the light,
the rest cast down in darkness,

and saw that it was good.

[Nicole J. LeBoeuf is a New Orleanian writer of short speculative fiction and poetry appearing in such venues as Apex Magazine, Cast of Wonders, Star*Line, Dreams and Nightmares, and Sycorax Journal. She lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband and their adorably criminal rabbit. Her not-so-secret superhero identity is skater Fleur de Beast with Boulder County Roller Derby. Find her online at]

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