Amazon’s Pledge

Title: Amazon’s Pledge Book One
Publisher: Jade Fantasy
Author: Sarah Hawke
Price: $2.99

Jorem is on the run. In Vorsalos, magic is forbidden by command of the Grand Inquisitrix and her Senosi Huntresses. Unfortunately for Jorem, he is naturally — and potently — talented. When the woman who had been sheltering him is captured, Jorem flees for his life, cursing himself as a coward. Enroute to the inland city of Highland, where magic is accepted if not always welcomed, he meets the fierce Amazon warrior Kaseya. After he saves the life of her sword sister, Kaseya swears herself in service to Jorem for life … whether he wants her or not … and he definitely wants her. And it will take all of their combined magic and martial skills to defeat the Huntresses hot on Jorem’s trail ….

Sarah Hawke’s novellas came up in an online discussion about erotic fantasy. Intrigued by the premise, I decided to give the series a chance. The first book was inexpensive and relatively short, so, even if I ended up hating it, I wouldn’t lose much.

Happily, the book was fun and exciting and, yes, very erotic. Amazon’s Pledge is absolutely not for anyone under eighteen or anyone who objects to lots of graphic sex in their fantasy stories. But all of the sex, in this case, supports the story. Kaseya’s bond to Jorem is magical in nature, and sex strengthens that bond; it allows her to see, feel, and anticipate his needs; useful not just in the bedroom, but also on the battlefield.

And there are plenty of battles. The Senosi Huntresses are ruthless and possessed of a zealous hatred of magic-users. Except themselves, of course. Their twisted logic allows them to use magic to wipe out magic, a fact that utterly confuses Kaseya. Among the Amazons, only men can wield the aether; they are valued and celebrated, but also sheltered and protected. A content and sexually-satisfied sorcerer is one who will use his magic for the betterment of his people. Thus all Amazons are trained in the sensual arts and an Amazon who bonds to a sorcerer is highly respected and honored by her peers.

Amazon’s Pledge is a fun and sexy romp. The first series numbers six volumes, each about 20,000 words. There’s magic, political intrigue, derring adventure, and intriguing world building. Recommended to fans of Hawke’s other series, as well as fans of Wick by Megan Derr, the Elemental Bonds series by Marie Reynard, and the Tenebris series by Kathryn Ann Kingsley.

[Reviewed by Rebecca Buchanan.]

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