The Right Bitch Trio

right bitchTitle: The Right Bitch Trio
Publisher: Blue Hound Visions
Author: Doranna Durgin
Price: $1.99

Shiba is a linehound. Trained from birth to patrol her country’s border and sniff out illegal, smuggled magic, Shiba has been paired with a new human, Tallon. Unfortunately, both have suffered recent loss and have trouble trusting one another. When the smugglers come up with a new method for secreting, will Shiba and Tallon be able to stop them? And what of Sabre and Taliya, the hound and linewoman who come to their aid?

After thoroughly enjoying Durgin’s A Feral Darkness, I decided to give this anthology a chance. And — happily — I enjoyed The Right Bitch Trio just as much. Tallon and Taliya are cute together, while Shiba and Sabre take a bit longer to warm to one another. The doggies are just as smart as the humans, and they loooove their jobs. The dogs detest the rats used so often by the smugglers; they even refuse to speak/think the term, instead using [critters]. Sabre is outraged when the real name for [critters] is spoken aloud in front of his human, Taliya.

My only complaint in regards to The Right Bitch is the number of typographical errors. The third story in the collection, “Bitch Bewitched,” needed a more thorough edit.

This is a funny, fast collection; perfect for reading on a lunch break or while waiting in the doctor’s office. Recommended to fans of Mercedes Lackey, or anyone who loves dogs.

[Rebecca Buchanan is the editor of Eternal Haunted Summer.]

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