Autumn Equinox 2015

Anchorite by Lynette Mejia
As Promised, From the Deck (Your Fortune) by Evelyn deShane
At Stake by Evelyn deShane
Chryseis by Steven Klepetar
Daughter by Janine Canan
Egypt Among Beets by Cynthia Anderson
Fire of the Lightning God by Matthew Wilson
Hot Spot by Phylinda Moore
How to Become Queen of the Underworld by Sarah Sadie
Join the Coven of Her by Kailey Tedesco
Mamikoola by Yuan Changming
On the Road by Janine Canan
Smintheus by Steven Klepetar
Virgos in Valhalla by Deborah Guzzi
What Killed Aleister Crowley? by Alexis Child

Moon-Mad by Rebecca Buchanan
The Story of Sif by Literata Hurley

Chastity Heather King, author of Bloody Gods

Weregild, or, There Is No Absolution in Heathenry by Erin Lale
Portable Shrines: A Brief Tutorial by Rebecca Buchanan

American Heathens: The Politics of Identity in a Pagan Religious Movement by Jennifer Snook [reviewed by Erin Lale]
Breaking the Mother Goose Code: How a Fairy-Tale Character Fooled the World for Three Hundred Years by Jeri Studebaker [reviewed by Melia Brokaw and by Erin Lale]
Honoring Sigyn by Galina Krasskova [reviewed by Erin Lale]
Journey to the Dark Goddess: How to Return to Your Soul by Jane Meredith [reviewed by Bettina Thiessen]
One Wilde Night by Jenn Stark [reviewed by Rebecca Buchanan]
Pagan Portals: The Morrigan: Meeting the Great Queens by Morgan Daimler [reviewed by Juli D Revezzo]
The Shamanic Handbook of Sacred Tools and Ceremonies by Barbara Meiklejohn-Free and Flavia Kate Peters [reviewed by Alaina Zipp]
Vocal Magick: The User Friendly Guide to Your Most Adaptable Ritual Tool by Bill Duvendack [reviewed by Jolene Dawe]